Popular Mechanics magazine November 1955 provided for readers 2 more woodcuts for the handyman and handylady. 1955 Popular Mechanics Patterncraft Waving Santa with a sack of toys thrown over his shoulder is a classic, gorgeous design of the traditional red-coated saint. I created this exact design for Christmas 2022 in my basement. I used a sheet of plywood, a cheap projector and lots of paint.
The first is a grid pattern “Patterncraft” Santa with his sack of toys and a gloved hand waving. I think this looks as nice as the Douglas Fir Santa patterns, although those are simply pasted on wood and clear coated. This will require a bit of painting on your part!
Along with the waving Coca Cola-esque Santa is a blanketed Santa with a harnessed reindeer pulling the sleigh. A grid is not provided on this image, but with Photoshop it would be easy to add one. You could also project this via an inexpensive projector onto your plywood. Imagine how fantastic this second design would look with multiple reindeer in front of Santa’s sleigh!
You can view the original plans here, via Google Books: Google Books November 1955 Popular Mechanics Patterncraft Santa and Santa with Sleigh and Reindeer